
「我干了什么 究竟拿了时间换了什么」

《JavaScript 二十年》推荐语


作为一个前端,看不懂@黄玄 的几乎每一个回答,只有我自己吗?

Taking this chance to reflect on myself

Data Representation - Floating Point Numbers


Data Representation - Integer


My Programming Languages Spectrum


React Hooks 是否可以改为用类似 Vue 3 Composition API 的方式实现?

Thinking in React vs. Thinking in Vue


2019 年 PWA(Progressive Web App) 凉了吗?

Is PWA effectively dead in 2019?

把「终端下的 Vim」作为 macOS Finder 的打开方式

Open file with terminal Vim from the macOS Finder

「SF-QC」2 TypeClasses

Quickcheck - A Tutorial on Typeclasses in Coq


Programming Language Foundations - Partial Evaluation

「SF-PLF」18 UseAuto

Programming Language Foundations - Theory And Practice Of Automation In Coq Proofs

「SF-PLF」17 UseTactics

Programming Language Foundations - Tactic Library For Coq

「SF-PLF」16 LibTactics

Programming Language Foundations - A Collection of Handy General-Purpose Tactics

「SF-PLF」15 Norm

Programming Language Foundations - Normalization of STLC

「SF-PLF」14 RecordSub

Programming Language Foundations - Subtyping with Records

「SF-PLF」13 References

Programming Language Foundations - Typing Mutable References

「SF-PLF」12 Records

Programming Language Foundations - Adding Records To STLC

「SF-PLF」11. TypeChecking

Programming Language Foundations - A Typechecker for STLC

「SF-PLF」10 Sub

Programming Language Foundations - Subtyping (子类型化)

「SF-PLF」9 MoreStlc

Programming Language Foundations - More on The Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus

「SF-PLF」8 StlcProp

Programming Language Foundations - Properties of STLC

「SF-PLF」7 Stlc

Programming Language Foundations - The Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus

「SF-PLF」6 Types

Programming Language Foundations - Type Systems

「SF-PLF」5 Smallstep

Programming Language Foundations - Small-Step Operational Semantics

「SF-PLF」4 HoareAsLogic

Programming Language Foundations - Hoare Logic as a Logic

「SF-PLF」3 Hoare2

Programming Language Foundations - Hoare Logic, Part II

「SF-PLF」2 Hoare

Programming Language Foundations - Hoare Logic, Part I

「SF-PLF」1 Equiv

Programming Language Foundations - Program Equivalence (程序的等价关系)

「SF-LC」16 Auto

Logical Foundations - More Automation

「SF-LC」15 Extraction

Logical Foundations - Extracting ML From Coq

「SF-LC」14 ImpCEvalFun

Logical Foundations - An Evaluation Function For Imp

「SF-LC」13 ImpParser

Logical Foundations - Lexing And Parsing In Coq

「SF-LC」12 Imp

Logical Foundations - Simple Imperative Programs

「SF-LC」11 Rel

Logical Foundations - Properties of Relations

「SF-LC」10 IndPrinciples

Logical Foundations - Induction Principles

「SF-LC」9 ProofObjects

Logical Foundations - The Curry-Howard Correspondence

「SF-LC」8 Maps

Logical Foundations - Total and Partial Maps

「SF-LC」7 Ind Prop

Logical Foundations - Inductively Defined Propositions (归纳定义命题)

「SF-LC」6 Logic

Logical Foundations - Logic in Coq

「SF-LC」5 Tactics

Logical Foundations - More Basic Tactics

「SF-LC」4 Poly

Logical Foundations - Polymorphism and Higher-Order Functions

「SF-LC」3 List

Logical Foundations - Working with Structured Data

「SF-LC」2 Induction

Logical Foundations - Proof by Induction

「SF-LC」1 Basics

Logical Foundations - Functional Programming in Coq


Vim 与中文输入法

Using Vim with non-english input method

Avoiding success at all cost

Watching "Escape from the Ivory Tower: The Haskell Journey"